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  • Kami Kenna

Get Certified with the Agave Spirits Institute

Working in Mexico since 2016 with Experience Agave, the first brand dedicated to promoting the tradition of agave spirits through immersive, educational tour experiences, has afforded me the opportunity of mentorship by the best. Apprenticing directly under the founder of Experience Agave, Clayton Szczech, and with the distillers themselves, has given me invaluable experience in the agave spirits space. However, anyone who knows me knows I've always had a thirst for learning more!

I am thrilled to announce that I am now part of the Agave Spirits Institute's ambassador program. As of now, I have completed Level 2 Mezcal Sommelier out of the four levels required to achieve Agave Spirits Master certification.

Accredited by the esteemed Anáhuac University Querétaro, the Agave Spirits Institute (ASI) certification holds weight both in academia and the beverage industry, providing graduates with recognition from the renowned institution.

Both Level 1 and Level 2 are comprehensive two-day virtual courses. Students receive curated materials, including an ASI textbook, a kit of fourteen vials of mezcal for tasting evaluations, and ASI sensory evaluation forms. Participants will need to provide their own ISO glassware and spittoon.

Level 1 focuses on an overview of history, context, and theory and is taught by instructors Daniel Rodriguez and Oscar Montes. Engaging discussions with fellow ASI students further enhance the learning experience. Level 2, also taught by Daniel Rodriguez, delves deeper into Oaxaca-specific mezcal contexts, sustainability, and professional service. Additionally, students practice sensory evaluations using the ASI methodology and refine their organoleptic analysis skills. Presenting their findings to the class adds rigor and a sense of accomplishment.

The Agave Spirits Institute coursework prepares industry professionals and consumers to make informed decisions regarding agave spirits. I am looking forward to Level 3 and Level 4. If you want to advance your knowledge of agave spirits, how to taste them, and dive deeper into this fascinating topic use code kami10 to get 10% off your enrollment at


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